This morning arrived from J.W. Northend Limited a large packet of proofs - for The Old Stile Press, the next ten years. This is, as I have mentioned a number of times before, the sequel to our first Bibliography (The Old Stile Press, in the Twentieth Century) which we published in 2000 and which, if numerous comments can be cited, has been enjoyed by many.
This new book I have prepared entirely on my computer - with the help of InDesign, Photoshop and a digital camera. When I was not doing other things in a particular day, I could usually deal with, and put behind me, one double-page spread. It was very hard work but I really loved doing it and I am feeling so relieved that (having sent one single recordable DVD to them) the proofs that the printer has sent looked just as they should.
However long my bit took, the printer's schedule is fast and furious. I would not be surprised if our book (even though it is 236pp and in 4 colour throughout) will be put on the press after breakfast and will be completed by lunch!
SO . . . Before you know it, we will be back with further information, including price etc.
If, however, you would like to 'reserve' a copy now, we will happily put you on the list.
This is particularly important if you feel even a theoretical desire to have a 'Special'. There is to be one (as last time) and it is likely to number 15 copies only.
Also as last time, I shall be printing a tiny keepsake or jeu d'esprit and this will be slipped (at no extra cost) into the first 250 copies to be sold.
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